Due to the asynchronous nature of signals, it is difficult to point out the bug caused when a signal-handling function triggers a non-reentrant function. 由于信号在本质上是异步的,所以难以找出当信号处理函数触发某个不可重入函数时导致的bug。
You might well be operating out in the corners of the Swing library and find yourself needing to work around surprising behaviors and/ or bugs. 您可能从Swing库的困境中走出来并发现自己需要处理出人意料的行为和/或bug。
Click's slides discuss why he obtained his strange results. ( They turn out to be due to complicated JVM behavior; also, a bug was involved.) Click的幻灯片讨论了为什么会得到奇怪的结果(他把这种现象归因于复杂的JVM行为;还牵涉到一个bug)。
When bugs are discovered in an older version of a shipped product, you can easily check out that specific version to confirm, fix, and generate a patch for the bug. 在已经发布的产品的较老版本中发现bug时,您可以轻松检出特定版本,以确认、修订,并生成该bug的修补程序。
Mocking out dependencies can hide a lot of bugs you'd really rather find. 把依赖项替换为mock会隐藏许多实际上可能发现的bug。
You can now remove or comment out the print statement you added because you have discovered the bug in your code. 现在可以删除或注释掉刚才添加的print语句了,因为已经发现了代码中的bug。
It turned out that I'd introduced ( unintentionally, this time) a bug that was triggered by a common circumstance and it caused the server to die with a segmentation fault. 原来是我引入了一个bug(这次不是故意的),一种一般情况下就会触发的bug,它会导致服务器由于分段错误而停止运行。
Try these two yoga poses when you want to de-stress yourself: Surprise/ Sourpuss: Open your mouth wide and bug out your eyes, then close your eyes very tightly and pucker your lips. 当你想减压的时候,试试以下两个瑜伽姿势:惊讶/怒容:张开嘴巴,瞪大双眼;然后紧紧地合上眼睛,噘起嘴唇。
They run to the dashboards and figure out what's gone wrong. In a larger outage, we all switch to an alternate communications channel like IRC. We also use the bug reporting system inside Google to communicate during outages. 他们跑向监控墙,看看什么地方出了问题,我们便临时使用别的沟通渠道,比如IRC聊天,我们还使用BUG报告系统沟通。
When I see a bug, I reply directly to its author, pointing out the nature of the bug and usually suggesting a fix. 当我发现一个错误,我就直接回复给作者,指出错误的本质,通常还会建议改正的方法。
There is a bug crawling over your foot, watch out. 当心,有只虫子爬到你脚上去啦。
I think even if a tester did report that bug, it would be closed out immediately with a reference to the requirements doc that says we only support browsers that use cookies. 即使测试人员及时报告了此类bug,它们也可能马上被标为“关闭”,理由是需求计划书上标明了只支持使用cookie的用户。
I've found out that the source of Allchin's concerns was an unexpectedly buggy pre-RTM build of Vista. 我已经发现Allchin先生的关心的源头是一个出乎意料的、bug满身的WindowsVistapre-RTMbuild版本,它令微软吃惊。
The article explains the implementation methods of modulesin the status maintenance system combining the bug management moduleexperiences and works out a reasonable flow for the research and developmentof status maintenance management system. 然后结合缺陷管理模块介绍了状态检修管理系统各模块的实现方法,给出了一个合理的用来设计和开发状态检修管理系统各模块的流程。
I have disabled the "Out of Date" notification on clients so that it does not bug people for the time being but I need to figure out why they stopped getting new ones. 我禁用了客户端上的“过时”的通知,这样它暂时不会打扰人,但我需要弄明白为什么他们停止获取新。
There is nothing to criticize about the motive of the founder of "Crazy English", which is to help students get rid of their shyness, a common bug in learning English, and shout out what they learn. 我们毫不怀疑其创始人的初衷是朴素积极的,希望自己的经验能给学习者一些帮助,使他们克服英语学习羞于开口的通病,激励他们不怕丢脸地先把英语喊出来。
In our opinion, the bug tracker should reach out to each user in the tools they use. 在我们看来,bug追踪功能应该集成到每个人所使用的工具当中。
He tried to bug out but it was too late. 他想溜掉,但是已经太晚了。
They bug me out, make me trip in so many ways. 它们令我困惑,用无数种方式挫败我。
It always bug me out. 简直令我大为恼火。
There's no sense in arguing whether a bug exists, since you can test the code and find out. 争论某个错误是否存在是没有意义的,因为你可以测试并找出问题所在。
Is it true the whole camp is going to bug out in the morning, captain? 上尉,是不是整个军营在早晨都要撤离?
The captain said that the whole camp was going to bug out early in the morning. 上尉说整个军营打算一早都要悄悄撤退。
Do you still back to parents there eat a meal want to bug out? 你是否仍然回父母家吃完饭抹完嘴就想开溜?
Jean-Sebastien also asked us to point out that the Apache Tuscany team appreciates any contribution, including code, testing, improving the documentation, or bug reporting. Jean-Sebastien同时要我们申明ApacheTuscany团队乐于接受任何贡献,包括代码,测试,改进文档,或者bug报告。
I bought the bug spray and my literally my husband and I can enjoy a glass of wine out on the desk in the summer and we're not eaten alive. 我买了这个防蚊液,我的丈夫和我能在夏日表面的桌旁享用一杯酒了。
That, I assumed, would cordon me off from the Net and keep me from spreading the bug while I figured out how to get rid of it. 我想这样一来就可以切断与因特网的联系,不至于传播病毒,再想办法清除。
Jim decided to bug out, the concert was just too noisy. 吉姆决定开溜,这音乐会太吵了。
During 1990-1993, systematic investigations on litchi stink bug were carried out, and its integrated control was conducted. 1990~1993年间,在桂西南的左江、桃城、浪湾和武鸣4个华侨农场的荔枝龙眼果园中,进行了荔蝽的发生情况调查和综合防治研究。
This paper analyzes the safety bug of the internet and the process and methods of hacker, points out that the principles of internet attack by internet bug and ways to protect the internet safety. 对计算机网络中存在的各种安全漏洞以及黑客攻击网络的步骤与方法进行了全面分析,指出了利用网络漏洞进行网络攻击的原理,并给出了有效的网络安全防护措施。